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Author: Hanna Yerega

Mindfulness as a path to youth empowerment and wellbeing

But first of all, what on earth is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is not about avoiding problems and obstacles. Instead, it’s a daily practice that can help strengthen and develop our day-to-day resilience, in the same way as we tone our muscles at the gym. If properly used, it helps us become more attentive and reconnect with our body, spirit and mind to welcome the present moment just as it is.

Mindfulness: Start here, Start now

We all have our own way of practising mindfulness and it doesn’t necessarily have to be the same. Meditation, some kind of exercise, even savouring a meal slowly, or just paying attention to another’s words during a conversation – it’s all part of being “present” and “aware”, just expressed in different ways.

Starting our own mindfulness ritual can be beneficial for anyone and at any age. The sooner we get to regularly practise it, the more resilient we become, especially when facing stressful and challenging situations. It paves way for better concentration, attention span, and lower stress levels. It can also help with your academic and work performance, but most importantly – it teaches to treat yourself and others with better care, kindness and compassion.

BENEFIT with Mindfulness

Not sure where to start? Ride along with CARDET and IoD’s BENEFIT project, which kicked off its work in Prague this June, focused on empowering youth workers and young individuals to build their mindfulness practice. The project brings together organisations from five European countries – Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, Czech Republic and Portugal – who join forces to develop a full set of innovative and applicable tools to educate and guide youth through their mindfulness journey.

You will thus be provided with an interactive and engaging platform that will give them access to resources and training material to help you identify and overcome mental strains, as well as offer mental-health informed support.

Ready to BENEFIT from mindfulness? Find out more about the BENEFIT project and how to engage here.

Keeping up with ECO-CENT – Fresh Newsletter in Your Inbox

Businesses and professional trainers and educators play a crucial role for the transition towards a sustainable, low-carbon, resource-efficient, and circular European economy.

This is exactly why during the last few months we have been investing all our efforts into reaching some of the main outputs within the ECO-CENT project, which helps bridge the gaps between VET providers and enterprises and facilitates both parties’ contribution to the green transition of Europe. Check out the latest updates in the newsletter below!

SMILE Project Releases Its First Newsletter

Following the kick-off meeting in Groningen the SMILE project has just released its very first newsletter including the latest developments of the project.

Check out the newsletter below to find out how this Erasmus+ initiative aims to address the gaps in climate change education in schools, as well as equip educators with the latest teaching methods and materials to increase awareness on climate change among students.

Check out SLACC’s First Newsletter

As the SLACC project is steadily picking up speed, the team is excited to share the latest highlights with you. For starters, the transnational research report on the existing approaches to climate education and fake news about climate issues is now officially completed! Read our newsletter to access the report and learn more details about the upcoming activities.

Keep up with ECO-CENT in their Latest Newsletter

Climate change is here, and we all need to take urgent actions to mitigate it and support the sustainability transition!

This is exactly why during the last few months we have been really busy with some important activities within the ECO-CENT project, which helps bridge the gaps between VET providers and businesses and facilitates both parties’ contribution to the green transition of Europe.

Find out more about the latest moves of the project in the newsletter below!

ECO-CENT Releases its First Newsletter

The shift from traditional linear models of consumption to more sustainable practices offer untold opportunities for both new and existing businesses in Europe and globally. The potential challenges and benefits associated with the move towards a circular economy have put the emphasis on innovation as a key driver for sustainable economic development. In response to these developments, the ECO-CENT project aims to equip the business community to adopt socially, economically and environmentally sustainable models through provision of targeted training and facilitation local synergies between VET providers and business representatives. Find out more in the newsletter below!