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Author: Hanna Yerega

OTTER: Outdoor Science Education for a Sustainable Future

OTTER is a H2020-funded project aimed at enhancing the understanding of methods and pedagogies surrounding Education Outside the Classroom (EOC) and how those can effectively support the acquisition of scientific knowledge and transferable skills amongst students, specifically in the field of environmental sustainability and the reduction of plastic waste. It also strives to increase interest in scientific topics among young people, while contributing to a range of innovative educational projects, further establishing scientific citizenship within the EU. Moreover, OTTER aims to strengthen education outside-the-classroom (EOC) networks within Europe, connecting experts from four different regions within the continent (Finland, Hungary, Ireland and Spain). The strengthened networks will be utilised to carry out a programme of EOC pilot schemes, further analysing their impact on student performance, including their levels of sophisticated consumption and scientific citizenship, ultimately building a clearer understanding of the effects of Education Outside the Classroom (EOC) on EU citizens. The pilot schemes will share a common theme revolving around issues of plastic waste and recycling, building on the existing momentum of joint efforts focusing on tackling related global educational, social, and environmental issues, as well as creating a more engaging learning environment outside of the classroom.

FuTourisme Agrees on Tourism SME Funding, Training and Support

CARDET is excited to announce the official launch of its new fuTourisme project, an extraordinary initiative driven by CARDET and seven European partners from Italy, Greece, Germany, France and Spain, to present an antidote to the challenges faced by experiential tourism SMEs through twin, digital and sustainable, transition.

Earlier this month, the project officially kicked off following the first partner meeting in Salerno, dedicated to devising a systematic approach to approaching the shortcomings and challenges experienced by SMEs in the post-Covid era. This intervention comes at the backdrop of the recent study conducted by the European Commission that constitutes that despite contributing to about 10% of EU’s GDP, tourism SMEs are still generally characterised by a low degree of digitalisation, suffering from the lack of skills, finance, infrastructure, as well as mentoring and policy support.

Realising the endless opportunities and potential that the digital and green transition can offer to this highly competitive sector, CARDET and the partners have agreed on a number of important steps to ensure the most holistic and proactive approach to this subject matter. By taking into consideration the Transition Pathway for Tourism and the SME Strategy devised by EC, the consortium will now proceed to compile a compendium of lessons learnt & best practices on environmental, economic and social sustainability, including SMEs digital and sustainable needs, e-Platform development, training & coaching implementation, as well as self-assessment tools and sustainability certification pathway.

To that end, the consortium is also gearing up to launch an Open Call for financial support to tourism SMEs to proactively support business owners through the implementation of sustainable and digital practices. This will help tourism SMEs to tailor the twin transition to their individual business models and address the specific shortcomings experienced with additional funding. The call will be announced in May 2024 alongside clear guidelines on application.

Without a doubt, these important institutional, educational, and financial aspects combined will assert the way for more resilient experiential tourism and boost the sustainable growth and success of individual small businesses. Help us spread the word on this important initiative and visit fuTourisme website for more information and updates on this exciting new project.

CARDET Certified with SIR 2014 Standard

CARDET is proud to announce that it has been awarded the Sound Industrial Relations (SIR 2014) standard that serves as a true testament to its unwavering commitment and continuous dedication to creating a positive and inclusive workplace. The Centre received this accreditation following an audit carried out in December 2023 by the Quality Assurance Committee of the Federation of Employers and Industrialists (OEB) and subsequent approval of the honourable Minister of Labour, Mr Yiannis Panagiotou.

The audit featured an in-depth evaluation of CARDET’s performance management, gender equality, employee wellbeing, learning and development and internal communication, as well as Health & Safety and Environmental Management practices. The accreditation process also involved a rigorous assessment by a panel of independent experts who evaluated the organisation’s HR strategy, policies, processes, and results.

Reflecting on this important milestone, CARDET’s Executive Director, Dr. Charalambos Vrasidas, commented: “We are very excited to receive this prestigious standard. This significant achievement showcases the outstanding HR practices and policies based on our commitment to continuous improvement and dedication to creating a positive and inclusive workplace environment that prioritises the wellbeing of our team. By obtaining this accreditation, we further reinforce our position as a leading employer in the industry, strengthening our reputation for implementing best practices and providing a positive experience for our valued team members.”

The Latest Updates and Next Steps and of the SMILE Project

Following its goal of fostering climate change awareness and sustainable mobility, the SMILE Project has just announced the successful creation of the SMILE Methodology and the SMILE e-Guide in it’s latest newsletter. This major milestone towards the overarching aim of the project and will without a doubt have a long lasting impact in education.Find out how to access these useful materials below.

Planning Seeds Project’s First Newsletter is Here

Our Planning Seeds project is off to a great start and we have some exciting news to share with you all. As we are focused on embracing SEEDs and their associated purchasing groups, known as ‘short food supply chains’ (SFSCs) promote circular economy principles, local consumption, and have a significant social impact, our project has covered some significant groundwork to come closer to this goal.

Find out all about the latest news below and feel free to download the info leaflet for the overall breakdown of this important initiative.

Include-Ce Announces a New Campaign in its Latest Newsletter

In its latest newsletter, the Include-Ce has just announced a new exciting campaign to further promote e-inclusion as a fundamental aspect of modern citizenship – and we need your help!

To make learning and training accessible to all, the project aims to collect second hand laptops in good condition to empower youth from disadvantaged backgrounds on their learning journey. Every donation brings us a step closer to enhancing digital literacy and providing access to resources for skill development and job search, as well as societal integration and reduced inequality amongst migrants and refugees.

Will you be a part of this honourable cause? Check out more information in the newsletter below and please reach out to us at to make your contribution.

Prime Newsletter is Out

We are proud to announce that our project PRIME continues its journey towards a more educational and inclusive environment that supports people with intellectual disabilities.

A project aimed at enhancing the skills of the Partner Organisations’ staff in order to manage high-quality mobility projects has just released its latest newsletter unpacking the most recent project developments.

From the impactful meeting in Bordeaux last month, to releasing the survey on assessing the current realities of organisations working on transnational mobility projects for people with intellectual disabilities, there are plenty of updates and opportunities to get involved you don’t want to miss! Read on to find out more.

Celebrating the Impact of DigiTeach

We are extremely proud to announce that our DigiTEACH project has successfully completed its work having managed to further its mission to promote inclusive education through the integration of digital tools. Responding to the shifting realities and needs that arose due to the COVID-19 pandemic in educational systems, the project has played a significant role by deploying digital tools and methods to deliver quality and inclusive education.

Over the course of the project, CARDET worked closely with its partners from 5 European countries to help ensure, through the development of a full-suite of resources and tools, learning continuity for all school learners. Particular attention was placed on supporting students with special education needs and/or suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

To that end, the Consortium invested its work towards furthering the digital competences of teachers and to ensure that they possess the capacity to effectively utilize them in their lessons and classes. This entailed a comprehensive approach through the development and putting forwards an innovative pedagogical approach on the use of digital tools, with learning resources catered to the needs of teachers, and offering practical training opportunities to educators.

Specifically the project developed:

  • The DIGITEACH Platform where school learners can acquire digital pedagogical competencies enabling them to deliver high quality inclusive digital education and safeguarding the inclusive nature of learning opportunities .The course is free of charge and it is available in 7 languages: English, Bulgarian, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
  • SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS (SIG) by enrolling on the platform, you can access a SIG of your interest and interact with participants from other countries on some specific topics related to that group. The aim is to create an EU virtual community of practice of teachers /educators.
  • A website which will continue to work and to be regularly updated.

The DigiTEACH was a joint initiative of educational institutions and organisations from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Malta, Spain and Bulgaria. CARDET is immensely proud to have had the chance to collaborate with them and on this project whose work and objective lie at the core of its mission to ‘design innovative education programs to inspire and empower communities to thrive’.

Final ECO-CENT Newsletter Alert!

How can we reap the benefits of the circular economy? This and other questions will be answered in the latest newsletter of the ECO-CENT project. Aimed to equip the business community to adopt socially, economically and environmentally sustainable models through provision of targeted training and facilitation local synergies between VET providers and business representatives, the project is now announcing all of the toolkits and materials that were just released on the project’s website. Hurry up and find out more in the newsletter below!

LEADING 2030: Guiding Sustainable Development in the Business Community

As businesses are faced with more and more expectations to not just provide innovative goods and outstanding services, but to also contribute positively to the environment and society at large, LEADING2023 project assists entrepreneurs to take conscious steps in the right direction. 

Focused on embracing eco-friendly and sustainable development goals (SDGs), the initiative embraces holistic and practical training resources to drive meaningful change. In particular, the project’s priorities are to include sustainability, environmental protection and fighting climate change, adapting vocational education and training to labour market needs and increasing the flexibility of opportunities in vocational education and training. To achieve that, the LEADING2030 project plans to equip business consultants and VET professionals with the appropriate skills to integrate and maintain sustainability across business and education sectors.

Curious to learn more? Check out the LEADING 2030 brief to get your started.