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Author: Hanna Yerega

TUA: The Unexpected Artepreneur

TUA aims to create a more inclusive society for marginalised young people around Europe with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Down’s Syndrome by facilitating their self-expression through creative means and capacity. The purpose is to effect change regarding the social issues that affect them as individuals and the communities they represent.

The project aims to incorporate the power of visual art into creative environments that foster equity and equality for the inclusion of marginalised young people in education.

More specifically, the project aims to:

  • Promote social inclusion and improve outreach of marginalised youth.
  • Develop inclusive learning environments and curricula that foster equity, equality and respect.
  • Increase the quality, innovation and recognition of work produced by young people with DS/ASD.
  • Promote active citizenship among young people with mental disabilities and strengthen their sense of initiative in the regions they inhabit and broader contexts.

UST: Upskilling municipal staff competences on planning and managing sustainable tourism

With the European cities facing consistent economical and social changes, the public local authorities are forced to continuously rethink their approaches to city management and effective ways of promoting sustainable tourism.

Most cities today feel the pressure to differentiate themselves amongst other destinations, and even more so as medium-sized cities that do not have an established and consistent flow of tourists. This requires a thorough and strategic planning that goes beyond the scope of broadening the variety of service offerings.

To address this, the UST project aims to bring forward practical solutions and extensive repository of different strategies for promoting sustainable tourism and minimising the knowledge gaps among the Municipality staff. In particular, the project plans to address these issues by developing the training tools for stakeholders, as well as improving opportunities of collaboration.

TEAMWORK2: Combat sexual harassment in the workplace

TEAMWORK2 aims to address sexual harassment (SH) at the workplace, which is a widespread and underreported form of gender-based violence across the EU. TEAMWORK 2 is fully committed to gender equality, diversity, and non-discrimination to combating sexual harassment at work and comes as a direct continuation of the REC-funded TEAMWORK 1 project. It aims to further build on the past research activities that resulted in better understanding of the issue of sexual harassment at the workplace as a whole, as well as activate the set of the recommendations to address this issue more effectively at the local and national levels.

DIGITAL TRAINERS: Digital Marginalization of Vulnerable Groups

Many citizens at risk of marginalization, such as migrants and elderly people, do not have access to digital public services as they do not have the necessary digital skills. The “Digital Marginalization of Vulnerable Groups” project aims to substantially improve the knowledge of the determining factors and issues that prevent citizens at risk of marginalization to succeed in digital literacy, by identifying the best practices and approaches adopted by the partner organizations to tackle the issue.

The main objectives of the project are rooted in shaping a better understanding of the digital marginalization phenomenon, as well as the clear recognition of the practical solutions that can be implemented to deal with it.

The project addresses public employees who deal with welfare and digitalization and public employees who work closely with users, especially the elderly and migrants, in order to offer them the administrative services of public administrations.

EcoSTEAM: EcoSTEAM Development

EcoSTEAM Development is an Erasmus + funded project aiming to enhance the understanding of methods and pedagogies surrounding STEAM Education and how those effectively support the development of learning activities and projects that raise the environmental awareness and consciousness of secondary school students, specifically in the field of environmental sustainability and the mitigation of climate change implications. It strives to increase interest in scientific topics among young people while contributing to various innovative educational projects, further establishing their scientific citizenship and future employability in STEAM fields within the EU. 

Moreover, EcoSTEAM aims to strengthen STEAM education networks within Europe, connecting experts from four different regions within the continent and beyond (Cyprus, Lithuania, North Macedonia and Turkey). The strengthened collaboration will be utilised to carry out future STEAM activity pilots, further analysing their impact on student performance, including their levels of sophisticated consumption and scientific citizenship, ultimately building a clearer understanding of the effects of STEAM Education incorporating elements of environmental agency. The pilot schemes will inform the existing momentum of joint efforts focusing on tackling related global educational, social, and environmental issues and the need for environmentally and scientifically sophisticated future citizens.

AELIA: Applying a multi-stakeholder and whole-institutional approach to education for sustainability

The AELIA project aims to facilitate the acquisition of skills and competences necessary for the green transition among all citizens. To achieve this goal, the project will employ a comprehensive, multistakeholder, whole-institutional approach that encompasses both formal and non-formal education settings, businesses, civil society, and the public sector. Participants from these diverse sectors will engage in all phases of the project, adhering to a quadruple helix innovation approach. This collaborative endeavor seeks to establish an enabling learning ecosystem, fostering transformative change at institutional, individual, and societal levels.

STAGE: Scientists and Public Engagement

The main goal of the STAGE project is to equip scientists and science communicators with the skills and knowledge necessary to increase public engagement in science. The project promotes the underlying objective of the European Education area through training the future generations in co-creating knowledge for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable society and addresses the priority of developing STEM in higher education and, in particular, promoting women’s participation in STEM. Through the implementation of the project, we aim to predominantly train female scientists to communicate science effectively and engage the public in climate change action.

Youth Leadership in Peacebuilding and Social Change: The case of Cyprus

By Katerina Panagi

In an ever-evolving global landscape, the role of youth in shaping the future has become increasingly significant (World Bank, 2019). The paradigm of leadership is shifting towards a more inclusive and dynamic approach, with young leaders emerging as catalysts for change. “Leaders of Tomorrow: Youth Leadership in Peacebuilding and Social Change” encapsulates the essence of how the younger generation is actively contributing to creating a more peaceful and equitable world.

The Changing Face of Leadership:

Traditional notions of leadership often associated age with experience and wisdom. However, the 21st century has witnessed a departure from this mindset, acknowledging the unique perspectives, energy, and innovation that young leaders bring to the table (Hassan, 2020). Today’s youth is stepping into leadership roles, not as mere successors but as pioneers with fresh ideas and a passion for positive transformation.

Youth as Agents of Peace:

One powerful case study illustrating the impact of youth in peacebuilding is the situation in Cyprus. The island nation has been divided since 1974, with a UN-patrolled buffer zone separating the Greek Cypriot south and the Turkish Cypriot north. Amidst this long-standing conflict, youth-led initiatives have emerged as ways of hope.

Young leaders in Cyprus, regardless of their ethnic background, are actively engaging in peacebuilding efforts. Organizations like the Cyprus Youth Council are bringing together young people from both sides of the divide, fostering dialogue, and promoting understanding. These initiatives leverage the power of youth to transcend historical grievances and work towards a shared vision of a united and peaceful Cyprus.

Winds of Change aims to give rise to the first bi-communal Cypriot sailing team to sail around the divided island together. The project creates an opportunity for young people from all over the island to come together and join a journey with a common purpose.

They highlight the use of sport as a powerful peace catalyst. Winds of Change wants to challengeempower, and inspire young people to connect and to build peace togetherTheir project fosters mutual understanding, celebrates diversity and promotes the sense of belonging to a common team with a common vision.

Social Change and Activism:

The digital age has given rise to a new era of activism, with youth at the forefront of social change movements. From climate change to gender equality, young leaders are unapologetically advocating for a better world (Thunberg, 2019). The power of social media has enabled them to mobilize large audiences, raising awareness and demanding action from governments and institutions.

In addition to online activism, youth-led organizations in Cyprus are actively involved in on-the-ground initiatives. Whether it’s community development, education reform, or healthcare advocacy, young leaders are demonstrating their commitment to creating a more just and equitable society, even in the midst of a divided nation.

Challenges and Opportunities:

While youth leadership in peacebuilding and social change is gaining momentum, it is not without its challenges. Limited access to resources, lack of representation, and scepticism from older generations can hinder the efforts of young leaders (United Nations, 2020). However, these challenges are not deterring the youth, who view them as opportunities to innovate and collaborate.

Governments, institutions, and older generations must recognize the potential of youth leaders and provide the necessary support and platforms for their initiatives. Mentorship programs, funding opportunities, and inclusive policies can empower young leaders to maximise their impact and contribute to sustainable change (International Labour Organization, 2017).

The leaders of tomorrow are not waiting for the future; they are actively shaping it. Youth leadership in peacebuilding and social change is a testament to the resilience, creativity, and determination of the younger generation. The case of Cyprus highlights how young leaders can play a pivotal role in bridging divides and fostering peace even in the most challenging circumstances. As we navigate the complexities of our world, it is crucial to amplify the voices of these young leaders, acknowledging their contributions and fostering an environment where their visions for a better future can flourish. The future is in capable hands – the hands of the Leaders of Tomorrow.


  • World Bank. (2019). Youth, Peace, and Security: A Global Progress Study.
  • Hassan, R. (2020). Youth Leadership in the 21st Century: A Paradigm Shift. Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(2), 112-129.
  • Thunberg, G. (2019). No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference. Penguin Books.
  • United Nations. (2020). World Youth Report 2020: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda.
  • International Labour Organization. (2017). Global Employment Trends for Youth 2017: Paths to a Better Working Future.

RELIEF: euRopean bio-Economy aLliancE in Farming

Agriculture, crucial for economies and social development, confronts various challenges including market globalisation and climate change. With a projected 70% increase in food demand by 2050, sustainable solutions are imperative. Bioeconomy, reliant on renewable biological resources, offers a promising avenue. However, Europe’s bioeconomy potential remains largely untapped due to skill shortages and educational gaps.

To address this, the EU emphasises investing in education and innovation to empower the workforce with new initiatives such as RELIEF. At the core, the project aims to bridge these gaps by offering comprehensive training and educational programs, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to equip agriculture professionals with the skills needed for a sustainable bioeconomy-driven future.

AdultDigitalUp: Improvement of the Digital Skills of Adults in Cyprus

The project AdultDigitalUp strives to support Cypriot authorities to improve digital literacy of adults. According to the European Commission’s Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI, 2020), Cyprus ranks 24th amongst Member States with 55% of the population lacking basic digital skills. To tackle that, AdultDigitalUp aims to: 

  • Conduct a thorough needs analysis to identify adults’ learners’ needs and gaps as they relate to digital skills. 
  • Develop comprehensive training material and tools for adult educators via blended learning methodologies and strategies 
  • Design and implement blended learning training for adult educators in Cyprus engaging more than 120 adult educators and providers.

 To that end, AdultDigitalUp will support the design and implementation of public strategies and actions for digital skills development in Cyprus by successfully equipping stakeholders with innovative resources, tools, and methodologies.