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Successful Piloting of COSERE e-Learning Platform and CDP Course and Resources Paves the Way for Enhanced Collegiality in Schools

Successful Piloting of COSERE e-Learning Platform and CDP Course and Resources Paves the Way for Enhanced Collegiality in Schools

Between November and December 2024, the COSERE project held successful piloting sessions for its e-Learning Platform and CDP Course and Resources. These sessions provided CARDET with a valuable opportunity to support educators’ professional development and promote a more collaborative school environment. It marked a significant milestone for COSERE, a project committed to bridging gaps in collegial support among school educators and fostering a spirit of collaboration in their daily practices.

In the months of November and December 2024, pilot sessions were attended by 15 school leaders, vice-principles, subject co-ordinators, mentors, educators, etc., who actively participated in collegial support-based activities. Participants explored the COSERE e-Learning Platform, which features a self-paced micro-learning course on Collegial Support.

The course comprises three modules focused on fostering collaboration and mutual support among school staff, along with six mini-scenarios designed to simulate real-life situations in training. These resources aim to enhance the learning experience and encourage collegiality within schools. Feedback from participants on the training modules and mini-scenarios proved valuable for refining the platform ahead of its official launch.

With the successful completion of these pilot sessions, CARDET is proud to play a leading role in shaping a future where collegiality is central to professional development in education.

Learn more about the project here and stay tuned for the upcoming launch of the e-Learning platform

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Target Groups

Teachers, School leaders, School staff, Academics, Researchers, Professionals, Policy makers, Trainers, VET professionals, Adult educators

Education Level

VET, Adult education, Professional education