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CARDET has successfully facilitated the Virtual LTTA of the INCLUDE-CE project

CARDET has successfully facilitated the Virtual LTTA of the INCLUDE-CE project

In line with our mission to advance the social and labour inclusion of migrants and refugees through digital literacy and skill enhancement, CARDET recently hosted the virtual Learning, Training, and Teaching Activity (LTTA) for the INCLUDE-CE project. 

The training brought together project partners, including Solidaridad Sin Fronteras (SSF – Spain), / ARCIRAGAZZI PORTICI “Utopia Attanasio” (APS – Italy), and Mindshift Talent Advisory Ida (MINDSHIFT – Portugal). They focused on key elements of the project, particularly Work Packages 3 and 4 , which are designed to improve digital skills and employment opportunities for migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and ethnic minorities (MRAE).

The INCLUDE-CE partners have developed two courses: 

  1. WP3: Digital Literacy 

This course aims to provide participants with foundational computer skills while emphasising the role of technology in sustainable practices. It includes modules on the principles of the circular economy, the value of refurbished devices for environmental sustainability, and fundamental skills such as understanding hardware and software components, internet usage, and email management. 

  1.  WP4: Active Job Search Training 

This course focuses on boosting employability and personal branding in job searches by teaching active job search techniques and essential recruitment skills. Key modules include defining professional objectives, crafting compelling CVs and letters, building strong job profiles, and excelling in interviews.

Find out more about the project on its official website

The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number : 2022-2-MT01-KA220-YOU- 000097092

Target Groups

Professionals, Migrants, Disadvantaged

Education Level

VET, Adult education, Professional education