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STAGE: Scientists and Public Engagement

STAGE: Scientists and Public Engagement

The main goal of the STAGE project is to equip scientists and science communicators with the skills and knowledge necessary to increase public engagement in science. The project promotes the underlying objective of the European Education area through training the future generations in co-creating knowledge for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable society and addresses the priority of developing STEM in higher education and, in particular, promoting women’s participation in STEM. Through the implementation of the project, we aim to predominantly train female scientists to communicate science effectively and engage the public in climate change action.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Target Groups

Academics, Researchers, Professionals

Education Level

Higher education, Professional education