In its bid to promote solutions and approaches that ensure that workers, of all ages, have access to the support and guidance to make the best of remote working and remain financially and socially active, the RETAIN-ME project hosted an immensely interesting and relevant webinar in the field. The webinar, featuring international speakers, brought to the fore the findings and experiences that the project partners have drawn from their national contexts and built on the work the Consortium to aid older workers embrace the digital transition of the labour market.
The successful event, that hosted more than 35 participants, served as an opportunity to showcase the scope, work and actions of the project. Furthermore, the members of the consortium delivered inspirational presentations on the following topics:
- Supporting older workers through remote working (Dagmara Dabek – Skillzone)
- Adapting my management style to remote working (Elena Xeni – CARDET)
- Relevance of the project to address the training needs of my employees/clients (Sara Keegan SRC)
- Suitability of the project results to supporting employees in my company (Sara Keegan – SRC)
- Motivating remote teams throughout the pandemic (Dagmara Dabek – Skillzone)
You can watch the whole webinar below.
RETAIN-ME is an Erasmus+ project that is implemented by a Consortium comprised of partners from 7 EU countries (including CARDET from Cyprus) and aims to develop bespoke training resources to ensure that vulnerable workers can be retained in employment. As part of this process, two toolkits are being currently developed and are to be distributed through the project’s e-learning platform; one will target employers, and the other employees to help with the remote work process.
Find more information on RETAIN-ME on the project’s website: