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BLUE TOURISM: Build a network of local advisors to put small tourism providers in watercourse regions on a more sustainable path

BLUE TOURISM: Build a network of local advisors to put small tourism providers in watercourse regions on a more sustainable path

Due to COVID-19 epidemic, the tourism industry has been hit extremely hard as restrictions to international travel have caused a decline of the tourism economy at least between 45 and 70% (OECD). Through this project, there is an opportunity to rethink tourism as a whole, by shifting more decisively from over tourism models to existing sustainable tourism models.
The aim of this project is to equip a network of future local advisors with the necessary competencies so they can support and advise small tourism providers in watercourse regions to be more sustainable and competitive, with a strategic focus on:

1. Sustainable Tourism and SDGs;
2 Ethics and Social Responsibility;
3. Natural and Cultural Heritage;
4. Competitiveness and Sustainable Local Business Development;
5. Innovation and Digital Transformation;
6. Networking and Local Partnerships;
7. Branding and Digital Marketing; and
8. Internationalisation Strategy.

The objectives of the project are to:

● Create a new competence profile for the tourism sector: the sustainable local tourism advisor
● Contribute to local sustainable tourism development through the capacity building of small tourism providers
● Promote less renowned watercourse touristic destinations, giving visibility to their sustainable and innovative practices in the tourism sector
● Contribute for local sustainable tourism practices and policies by increasing awareness and discussion on the challenges and opportunities regarding the potential of watercourse tourism and sustainability

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication [2021-1-PT01-KA220-VET-000032948] does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Target Groups

Professionals, VET professionals

Education Level

VET, Professional education