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Online gaming and Digital tools to promote the asylum seekers integration and increase awareness amongst schools of the refugees’ crisis in Europe

Online gaming and Digital tools to promote the asylum seekers integration and increase awareness amongst schools of the refugees’ crisis in Europe

As European societies become more multi-cultural, we need to raise awareness of the many reasons for which people choose or are forced to leave their own countries. This understanding can help to promote respect for diversity and encourage social cohesion. In particular, more information needs to be disseminated to young people, who are the decision makers of tomorrow, but whose opinions on migration and asylum are not always based on factual and balanced information.

In the meantime, asylum seekers in our countries live a disillusionment related not only to the situation they fled from, but to especially the “welcoming” of hosting countries. The host countries should equip this disadvantaged generation of asylum seekers with the tools to foster integration and to regain their dignity after dehumanizing journeys on their way to EU as well as preventing radicalization.

The ODISSEU project was designed to develop young people digital and media literacy competences, so as to develop resistance to all forms of discrimination. The project will produce a holistic and inclusive Online Simulation Game to explain forced migration which allows broad participation across the whole school, including integration into the curriculum, provision for skills development and shifts in pedagogy and mindset by participating teachers, and a genuinely involvement of asylum seekers as active change agent throughout the project. This will make it both innovative (entirely new in EU) and complimentary to existing work.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: [2018-1-IT02-KA201-048187]

Target Groups

Teachers, Students, School leaders, Migrants

Education Level
