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Month: February 2020

Equipping Young Leaders to take an active role in Media Literacy

A training was held by CARDET on the 22nd of February as part of the Youth MythBusters project, focusing on topics of media literacy, fake news, hate speech, propaganda and manipulaton. The workshop involved the participation of five youth leaders from Cyprus who were trained in these topics to support and tutor their peers at risk of social exclusion (mainly those not in education, employment and/ or training- NEETs) in the field.

During this training, the facilitators focused on creating a solid foundation regarding the promotion of civic and political engagement and how to fight fake news, manipulation and propaganda. At the same time, with the use of team building activities, the participants shared their personal views on the matter and connected with one another.

In this way, the first contact was initiated and the young leaders can now proceed with their training online while at the same time collectively create an action plan together to efficiently connect with their peers and spread awareness on the importance of media literacy and active civic and political engagement.

The five young leaders were very motivated and supportive during the training and according to their feedback, they are looking forward to attend the online training. At a later stage, they will also have the chance to create some youth mythbusting actions with their peers to practically address incidents of fake news, hate speech, manipulation and propaganda.

DIMA 2.0 – Developing Strategies for Adult Education Providers and Adult Educators

The DIMA 2.0 project aims to support adult education providers and adult educators to improve the quality of adult education across Europe, raise the participation rates and better monitor effectiveness of adult learning policies and strategies. Building on the existing knowledge developed by partners during the DIMA project, the project will create and provide a new set of tools and resources in order to help the professional development of adult educators to deliver high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of low-skilled and low qualified individuals.

eMysteries – Detective Stories to Engage Students in Close Reading with the Use of Mobile Devices

By the time young people in the EU leave compulsory education most of them have regularly made use of computers and the internet for a variety of activities. While the most common activities of young people using mobile phones are writing through text messaging (“texting”) and reading for information search and entertainment purposes, the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results showed that one in five pupils in the European Union have insufficient proficiency in reading.

The eMysteries project offers a rich media mobile-device-supported interactive environment which can be utilized for educational purposes among upper secondary education students (15-18 year-olds) in order to enhance their literacy skills by actively engaging them in close reading activities. By using the interactive environment, students will have the opportunity to create their own detective stories that can be adapted to various characters and plots. The project also offers a Teacher’s Toolbox and a MOOC dedicated to enhance teacher’s capacity and professionalism on how to use the eMysteries environment and resources in their daily practices.